sábado, 25 de abril de 2015


This was the last lesson before starting with the microteachings in the following two lessons. In this last lesson we talked about the different approaches in general and then in content and language. The general approaches were the following ones:

  • To start with images or real objects to make the pupils remember previous knowledge.
  •  To start setting questions that set the awareness of the pupils.
  • To start with a presentation which introduces concepts and language.
  • To start with a problem or something that can interest them and make them think to introduce some of the ideas.
  • To start with a text.
  • To start with questions.

Regarding to the content we learnt that it is important to focus on the message and to be really clear on the message. It is also important to mix different textual styles in presentations to make it clearer and more motivating for the children; so we can sweep from visuals to tables or diagrams.
Another way to introduce the content in a motivating way if we are using text is to make them also different. We can move from texts with bullet points to continuous text or to tables or diagrams.

Then, talking about the language, it is important to use the right amount of language and of words. It is also important that this words are in an appropriate level of grammar and also in an appropriate syntactical level. 

sábado, 18 de abril de 2015


In this sixth lesson we started commenting the article, Integrating art into teaching English at a primary level: a case study by Zuzana Strakovà. After that, we saw a website called CESIRE where you have lots of examples of units made by other teachers like an origami unit or a unit about how to work with the Seasons trough artists. I found it interesting because from there you can find ideas for your own units and also share your work with the others.

Then, we saw a PowerPoint presentation about how to encourage talking and discussion in CLIL classrooms. Some of the tips that we were given were:

·     Use of visual prompts.
·         Make questions which invite to the children to give their opinion.
·         Use “gap filling” but where the missing word is unclear or personal.
·         Use prompts for an open-ended dialogue.
·         Role-playings.

I think that is a really interesting topic not only in CLIL but also in all the other subjects from Primary and we haven’t never discussed it during the degree.

Finally, we had time to work in group and discuss how to do the microteaching and the project